Deploy Kubernetes on AWS

Get ready for the future of cloud today.
Adopt next-gen infrastructure, and stay one step ahead!


Sufle is an official AWS Advanced Services Partner, helping businesses eliminate cluster management tasks, reduce cost, and increase agility through Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service with proven AWS best practices.

Container Technologies
for Modern Applications

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes is the managed service that makes it easy to run Kubernetes on AWS. With Elastic Kubernetes, you can use AWS features like autoscaling and delivery of workloads for cost-effective, high-performance compute resource provisioning.

Get Amazon EKS Benefits

Pay only for what you use

Only pay for the AWS resources that you use and reduce costs with efficient compute resource provisioning and automatic Kubernetes application scaling.

Easy to set-up and manage

Automatically apply security patches to your control plane without having to worry about manually installing them.

Scalable and high performance infrastructure

Amazon EKS integrates seamlessly with other AWS services, including VPC, Load Balancing, Secret Manager, IAM. This lets you scale your workloads quickly as your business needs change without any downtime or disruption to your applications.

Gain Amazon EKS Benefits

Start Your Journey with Sufle!

Interested in migrating your Kubernetes cluster to AWS and leveraging best technologies to achieve greater agility and full benefits of cloud? Book an Appointment now to start building your new infrastructure!

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Case Studies

From fast growing startups to large enterprises, check out inspirational success stories of our clients who moved to cloud and transformed their businesses.

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We believe in the power of technology when it comes to success. We help our clients to keep up with the best practices in technology for their custom business needs while improving the way they work.

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